Friday, April 2, 2010

What his tweets were about March 31st

It seems that he tweets a lot about movies, not surprisingly, and a fair amount about Palin. The surprise up and comer though is the sheer number of tweets involving a Chuck Norris/ Werner Herzog comparison. These all happened in quick successions (with one or two outliers), but is still noteworthy nonetheless.

A few numbers and facts to look at

A few numbers and facts from Roger Eberts Tweets on March 31st, 2010:
  • Total Number of Tweets: 86
  • Number of ReTweets: 24
  • Number of @ Tweets (not including RTs): 9
  • Number of general tweets: 53
That is nuts. 53 genuine tweets! Out of 86 tweets I'd reckon that most of them might be bot RTs, but even analyzing them they seem to be genuine Ebert reading and retweeting... meaning I might not even give Ebert the 4 hours of sleep I gave him below... he's gotta be constantly thinking in terms of twitter. I now might give him 2 hours of sleep a night... maybe.

Also, wanted to show you these:

Favorite Tweets from that Time Period:

RT @CrankyKaplan: T.S. ELIOT CAN BLOW ME. - Depressing sign on outskirts of Austrian village known for its great Fucking Beer.

Chuck Norris pounds nail through 2x4 with his fist. Werner Herzog does it with his dick. #WernerHerzogvsChuckNorris

Number of Tweets Per Hour of the Day


Here is the number of Tweets Roger Ebert has made vs. the Hour of the Day:

Okay. So clearly in this sampling Roger Ebert is an afternoon/evening tweeter. He's also got a solid 6 hour chunk in the beginning of the day from Midnight to 6 AM when we was probably asleep in his bed, and possibly fell back asleep during the hour of 8 AM or perhaps a midday nap from 11 AM to 2 PM. However, we have to take into account other time that he spends to watching movies and/or writing reviews of said movies. In this sample alone he publicizes 5 new reviews. In movie watching time that is roughly 10 hours... that's a lot of movie watching.

And something tells me that he isn't a daytime sleeper... my gut is he can't sleep in the middle of the day because he's getting too angry at Sarah Palin and Tea Partiers. Seriously, if you don't believe me read his twitter feed and you'll understand what I'm saying.

So he seems to sleep from midnight to 6 AM, and then goes all the way up back to midnight... tweeting strong! My sense is that he doesn't tweet immediately upon getting out of bed, and probably has to wind down from the twittersphere before falling asleep... so I'm going to give him 4 hours of genuine sleep per day.


The Story and Sample

Okay. So I've been on Twitter for a while now and started following Roger Ebert (ebertchicago), notorious movie reviewer among other things, about 6 months ago. Since then my twitter feed has been flooded with his thoughts on movies, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Patriots. He literally tweets so much that at times I'll look at my feed and only see his face:

So my question was: With so much time devoted to Twitter, when the hell does the man sleep?

In order to answer this I decided to run various tests on a single day in the Twitter life of Roger Ebert. I've compiled all of his tweets from March 31st, 2010. With this sample data set we should be able to figure out many things about the man, the myth, the legend... but more importantly, we're going to figure out when the hell he sleeps.